10 Infamous Movie Plot-Holes (Solved By Film-Makers)
1. The Big Door Debate - Titanic
Of all proposed movie plot holes, Titanic has the most iconic and talked about. Over the years it's become more of a pop culture joke rather than a matter for debate, but that doesn't make it any less intriguing.
After the ship sinks, Rose (Kate Winslet) and Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio) are trapped in the freezing ocean. Luckily, a big door happens to be floating by and Rose is able to climb on board as Jack stays submerged in the water until eventually he freezes to death. It begs the infamous question, though: Why couldn't Jack get on the door, too?
Well, according to director James Cameron, it's clear that Jack tries to get on the door but can't, because it begins to topple over. Jack, Cameron says, isn't stupid, and the whole thing really isn't that big a deal.
In 2013, Mythbusters also came to the same conclusion, showing that such a raft wouldn't hold the two characters. However, they also agreed that there was a way for both Jack and Rose to get on it, and it involved tying Rose's life vest under the door, giving it enough buoyancy to keep Jack alive.
Cameron dismissed this, though, a few years later, when he said there was no way Jack - in freezing water, under that level of stress and shock - would ever have thought to use Rose's jacket to save himself. Cameron's final assessment is that the Mythbusters episode was fun, but that the guys were "full of sh*t".