10 Infuriating Flaws That Ruin Otherwise Awesome Directors

2. Bad Fight Choreography - Christopher Nolan

Dark Knight Rises Bane Batman
Warner Bros.

Accomplishments: Chris Nolan has three Oscar nods to date, and in addition to blowing away audiences with cerebral masterpieces such as Memento and Inception, has of course directed the ground-breaking Dark Knight trilogy, cementing him as one of Hollywood's most-acclaimed contemporary filmmakers.

The Flaw: For all of the superlative action in Nolan's movies, it's maddening that his close-quarters combat scenes always end up looking so damn clumsy.

Take Batman Begins, where the Bruce Wayne-Ducard ice fight was incoherently edited into oblivion to cover up for some fairly awkward fighting, while The Dark Knight Rises featured two Batman-Bane fights that just weren't very exciting or interesting to watch (though Batman's back getting broken was undeniably cool). Nolan puts so much effort into everything else, but it's the fight scenes that are directed and orchestrated without much care.

This became so much more apparent with the release of Batman v Superman, where Zack Snyder, for all his flaws, directed Batman's fist-fights with so much energy and visual flair. Nolan's look positively dull by comparison.

It's worth mentioning the incredible rotating hallway fight scene from Inception, but also worth remembering that the fight choreography itself was still totally by-the-numbers, and without the hallway gimmick, it's doubtful we'd still be talking about it six years later.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.