A cliffhanger can make or break a movie: get it right and you've got film buffs obsessively theorising on the devilishly clever ending forever more, but get it wrong, and you've just enraged an entire quarter of cinema-goers who won't be able to see past the needlessly ambiguous ending. Whether they were good or bad, these 10 cliffhangers have been a considerable source of ire and anguish ever since they were released: in some instances we're dealing with exciting sequel bait that hasn't been followed up on (yet), while in other cases the cliffhangers remain within the vague tone of what came before, and in other instances they are ambiguous in the most absurd, even nonsensical extreme. Though many stars and even some of the directors freely espouse their own takes on how their movie ended, most tend to keep their mouths shut in order to foster discussion and keep the movie "alive" in the collective public consciousness. Plus, even if they do volunteer their interpretations, the ambiguity causes their creative stamp on each film to be diminished, instead opening up the floor to the masses. Just because a director takes it upon themselves to try and tie up a cliffhanger, it does not necessarily suggest that they're right or we should take them as gospel, and that, ladies and gentlemen, is the beauty of cinema. We're going to confront each infuriating cliffhanger and also offer up a possible solution, going by our own analysis of the scene and what those closely linked with the project have suggested. Let us know what you think in the comments!
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.