10 Infuriating Movie Cliffhangers That Nobody Bothered To Wrap Up

10. The Underminer's Arrival - The Incredibles

The Cliffhanger: Pixar's magnificent animated superhero flick The Incredibles concludes with The Incredibles vanquishing the villainous Syndrome (Jason Lee) and returning to a regular life as the Parrs. However, in the final 30 seconds of the movie, a giant drill bores through the city and its pilot, The Underminer (John Ratzenberger), emerges, announcing himself and declaring "war on peace and happiness", at which point the Parrs suit up and prepare to spring into action once again. That was almost a decade ago, and despite how sequel-happy Pixar have been over the years, it's been a frequent complaint that they never bothered to follow-up a movie as critically and commercially successful (and not to mention brilliant) as The Incredibles. Though in March of this year it was finally confirmed that a second film will eventually be made, we have no timeframe on its release, and whether it will follow up on this cliffhanger. We'll consider it unlikely, though. What Probably Happened: We'll take The Amazing Spider-Man 2 as a point of comparison, here, a movie which also ends just as the hero gets ready to fight his next villain. The Incredibles probably just kicked The Underminer's butt, paving the way for a completely different bad guy in the second film. Still, considering how cool The Underminer looked, it'd be a shame if he was just wasted on a jokey end-film stinger like this when his potential is worth so much more.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.