10 Infuriating Movie Cliffhangers That Nobody Bothered To Wrap Up

3. Was Cobb Awake Or Dreaming? - Inception

The Cliffhanger: Christopher Nolan's tricky sci-fi masterpiece ends with Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) completing his titular mind-infiltration task and appearing to be able to return back home to the U.S. to see his kids. As he arrives, he spins a spinning top in an attempt to discern whether he really is home or merely dreaming, but Cobb soon enough gets lost in seeing his children, and Nolan cuts away before the top, which begins to waver, falls over. As a result, without seeing the top fall, we're not truly sure whether Cobb is actually awake or not. What Probably Happened: This is one of those cliffhangers that everyone loves to chime in on, with one of the major pieces of evidence being Cobb's wedding ring. He does not wear the ring while in reality, but does so in his dreams, and at the end of the movie, he is not wearing the ring, so he's awake, right? In addition to this, we see the top wavering just before Nolan's crucial cut, which it surely wouldn't do in a stable dream scenario. Still, nothing is clear cut, and despite the convincing evidence that Cobb is awake, we'll never know for sure, and don't we just hate that?

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.