10 Infuriating Movie Cliffhangers That Nobody Bothered To Wrap Up
4. Does Liam Neeson Survive? - The Grey
The Cliffhanger: Few people probably expected that much of worth would come from Liam Neeson taking on a gang of wolves in the wilderness, but Joe Carnahan's survivalist thriller turned out to be an uncommonly intelligent, philosophical engagement with the idea of man staring down nature. The final scene has John Ottoway (Neeson) as the sole survivor of his group, facing off against the alpha wolf and preparing to attack as we cut to black and the result of the fight isn't revealed. What Probably Happened: In fairness, Carnahan does give us a sneak peak at the end of the credits, as we briefly see both Ottoway and the alpha wolf taking sharp breaths as they lay crumpled in a heap, though we have no idea who is wounded and how badly. From the image, though, the most likely explanation is that both Ottoway and the wolf mortally wounded one another, and are simply bleeding out. Sure, Ottoway could have somehow subdued the wolf unscathed and is just taking a breather as it bleeds out, but that's pretty damn unlikely.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.