10 Ingenious Scenes In Otherwise Terrible Movies

6. The Plane Crash - Knowing

Justice League Superman
Summit Entertainment

Knowing was one of Nicolas Cage's final major starring blockbusters before he took refuge in the direct-to-VOD dungeon, and it's a mostly inane sci-fi disaster movie in which Cage's Professor John Koestler believes that a list of numbers are predicting a future global disaster.

Much of the film is a tedious breadcrumb-following exercise, before it concludes with the entire world being annihilated by a colossal solar flare, but only after freaking aliens (or angels) show up to rescue enough children to keep the human race going. Right.

Outside of all this silliness, though, there is one genuinely well-executed scene, and that's the memorable plane crash sequence mid-way through the movie.

Presented in a single take, the scene has Koestler witness the plane crash before his very eyes, after which he runs into the wreckage to try and aid the survivors.

It's a completely harrowing sequence as Koestler is pretty much helpless while people are burning to death around him, and without any intrusive cuts it feels that much more intimate - and horrifying.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.