10 Insane Avengers Moments You’ll Never See In The Movies

2. Puppy-Bombs Calm Hulk Down

€œDue respect, agent, but none of your behavioural scientists are ever going to understand the Hulk better than me. And the Hulk loves puppies.€ Those words came from Bruce Banner himself, as he advised S.H.I.E.L.D. on ways to potentially calm the big green rage monster down in the Indestructible Hulk Special comic from 2013. S.H.I.E.L.D went on to make a "Puppy Bomb" (yes, really) and, when the unstoppable monster needed to be stopped, they detonated it. The Hulk ended up covered the Hulk in puppies (which is one of the weirdest sentences you'll ever read, if you're honest) and started giggling like an over-excitable schoolgirl (there€™s a speech bubble with €œhahahaha€ inside it, along with the caption €œit was terrifying€ - which it really, really was). Of course, the plan worked and Hulk is then seen shrinking back down in to Bruce Banner who promptly says €œmph€ so the puppies worked.€ If Hulk goes rogue in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, this is one sure-fire thing we can say will not be used to stop him.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.