10 Insane Avengers Moments You’ll Never See In The Movies

1. Thor's Dimension-Piercing Hurricane Breath

This little doozy came from Thor #86, when Thor had travelled to the future to fight the fantastically-named Zarrko, the Tomorrow Man. As Zarrko had started to flee from Thor, the Asgardian God of Thunder suddenly displayed a power he had never previously shown before - and one he hasn't shown since - as, in true Superman-style, he unleashed a powerful blast of hurricane breath completely out of the blue. That's not too ridiculous in itself - though the fact Thor can call upon actual hurricanes and tornadoes somewhat renders it pointless - but hurricane breath that can pierce dimensions? That was several steps too far, several steps too soon. We definitely can't see Chris Hemsworth's Thor pulling this power out of his back pocket any time soon in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. So there you have it - ten insane Avengers moments you'll never see on screen. Did you enjoy this article? Do you think any of these moments have any chance of being included in a movie? Which other insane Avengers comic book moments will never get the Hollywood treatment? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below. And please feel free to follow me on Twitter!
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.