10 Insane Movie Facts Nobody Believes

1. Ryan Gosling Was Cast In The Notebook For Being "Not Handsome"

Peter Dinklage Warwick Davis
New Line Cinema

It seems incredibly obvious that Ryan Gosling was cast in the tear-jerking romantic drama The Notebook because he was a damn handsome dude who would ensure the film caught the attention of teenage girls the world over, right?

Except, according to Gosling himself, that's basically the exact opposite of what happened.

In a 2011 interview with magazine Company, Gosling revealed that director Nick Cassavetes offered him the starring role with a most unexpected explanation. Cassavetes said:

"I want you to play this role because you're not like the other young actors out there in Hollywood. You're not handsome, you're not cool, you're just a regular guy who looks a bit nuts."

Ryan Gosling. Not handsome. Does not compute.

Now to be fair, Gosling certainly wasn't as well-coiffed and put-together in 2004 as he is today, but even so, it's an hilarious example of just how much of a superficial bubble Hollywood truly is.

Or if you want to be generous, Cassavetes delivered the brutally honest assessment to strip Gosling of any residual ego.

Perhaps he wasn't "Hollywood hot" at the time, yet by any conventional standard, he was a good-looking chap worthy of playing a romantic lead.

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