10 Insane Movie Moments You Won't Believe You Never Spotted

5. Jack Looks At The Audience (A LOT) - The Shining

Pearl Harbor
Warner Bros.

Just when it seemed like every last possible detail in Stanley Kubrick's The Shining had been uncovered, along comes a Twitter user with a perceptive observation you probably hadn't noticed before.

Kubrick writer and essayist Filippo Ulivieri recently penned a lengthy Twitter thread detailing his discovery that Jack Nicholson actually looks directly in the camera many, many times throughout the film.

Ignoring the moments where Nicholson does it because we're watching him through the POV of a character he's talking to, there are literally dozens of shots in the film where he'll briefly eyeball the camera lens for mere fractions of a second.

Though it's not totally uncommon for actors to accidentally stare in the lens while looking around, would an actor of Nicholson's caliber really do it so many times in a single film?

Ulivieri theorises that this was actually an intentional flourish on his part, especially as nobody else in the movie does it, that by periodically looking at the audience, Nicholson's Jack Torrance is unconsciously telling us, "You are not safe."

And with that in mind, good luck trying to watch The Shining the same way ever again. It somehow just got even creepier.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.