10 Insane Movie Moments You Won't Believe You Never Spotted

4. The Random Naked Guy - Twister

Pearl Harbor
Universal Pictures

What, you were so distracted by Twister's jaw-dropping spectacle that you never saw the naked dude randomly hanging out?

During a chase scene 55 minutes into the film, there's a brief shot where Jo (Helen Hunt) and Bill (Bill Paxton) drive by a cornfield and a seemingly naked man can be seen peeking out from the field and watching the vehicles pass by.

There's no narrative reason whatsoever for this man to be visible in two quick shots during the chase, so it's safe to assume that the man was simply a random passer-by who was accidentally captured in the frame, and either the filmmakers didn't notice or assumed that audiences wouldn't.

But as viewers have proven time and time again, they will always end up spotting things like this eventually. And within the universe of the movie itself, one has to wonder - why the hell was the guy just skulking around a cornfield in the nude?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.