10 Insane Movie Plots That Actually Happened In Real Life
7. The Birds Descended On Australia - The Birds
While it didn't appear as though anyone found themselves desperately trying to evade many a savage pecking or dive bomb from up high, a clip uploaded to social media last year very much felt like something clipped straight out of Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds.
With that feather-stuffed horror-thriller seeing flocks of birds descend on helpless civilians for unexplained reasons, the sight of hundreds of cockatoos gathering in a town in Australia in 2021 was enough to leave many feeling as though Hitchcock's frightening piece of fiction was on the cusp of becoming a spooky reality.
Comments below said TikTok clip of many a cockatoo calling the residential area home seem to suggest their original habitat and trees could've been destroyed in order to make way for the houses that currently dominate the area.
But even if this particular assembling of a simply stunning amount of birdies comes equipped with a more logical explanation, there's no escaping the fact that it must've felt like Aussie civilians had wandered straight into a beak-boasting nightmare upon trying to retrieve their post that morning...