10 Insane Movie Sequels That We Really Wish Had Happened

8. Ferris Bueller 2: Another Day Off

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It's A Sequel To: Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986)

The premise driving this once considered sequel to '80s comedy classic Ferris Bueller's Day Off isn't quite as far out as some of the other films on this list, but it might be deemed insane for another reason: it would have positioned Ferris Bueller, cult hero, as a depressed guy in his mid-forties who decides to take a day off work, 'cause he's - wait for it -sad.

Now, considering that the original film paints Bueller as this popular, care-free guy who walks through life and has the best time ever without thinking about any of the consequences, such a sequel would have made for an incredible change of pace (read as: seriously depressing).

Thing is, Hollywood executives presumably poo-pooed the idea - the script was written by a guy named Rick Rapier - on account of its super downbeat nature, when in actuality it could have made for a serious interesting and unexpected follow-up that refused to indulge its frankly irksome main character's tiresome whims any longer. 

Think about it: Ferris spent his early years thinking that everything in life would come easy, but this sequel would have revealed that after the events of John Hughes' film, things didn't pan out quite as he expected: life happened. Real life. 

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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.