10 Insane Movie Theories (That Are Clearly Utter Bull)

7. Bruce Wayne Died In The Explosion - The Dark Knight Rises

DkrThe Crazy Theory: The lead up to the release of Christopher Nolan€™s Bat trilogy ender was thick with speculation, the big point being whether Bruce Wayne would make it to the end credits. And after the film came out, that discussion continued. A popular theory put forward was that Bruce Wayne actually died in the atomic explosion, with poor Alfred only imagining his friend survived. Why It Can€™t Be True:I've mentioned this theory before and back then looked at the film€™s reliable viewpoint and clear use of reality. However, much of the key argument for this theory hinges on Alfred€™s speech early on about the cafe and I can appreciate how some people could read into that. But there€™s some even stronger evidence that disproves this theory. The Dark Knight Rises doesn't have a one note ending. John Blake takes up the bat mantle yes, but there€™s even more than that; the Wayne pearls go missing and a the bat signal is restored. These are both events that are most elegantly solved by Bruce being alive; any other solution relies too heavily on speculation and unseen events. Add to that Hans Zimmer€™s score roaring up at the reveal moment and Nolan's intention is clear; this depressingly beautiful theory doesn't hold much weight.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.