10 Insane Over The Top Horror Movies
The gory and sillier the better when it comes to these over-the-top horrors.

Within the wonderful and imaginative depths of the world of horror cinema, there are various kinds of flavours, each as appetising as the last.
There are atmospheric, slow-burn chillers like Lake Mungo and Hereditary, in which nuance and subtly are paramount to ensuring the terror and tension don’t let up. Likewise, there are serious films which aim to shock through with extreme violence that drives the harrowing action forward. These are the likes of Martyrs, Titane, Inside, or Hostel.
And then there are the horror flicks that go all-out on the gore and strangeness. These cinematic outcasts are those which relish in trashiness and schlock, and there’s no limit to how strange the plots can be or how much blood and insanity can be put on the screen in these insatiable delights. In fact, the stranger and gorier they are, the better.
These kind of horror films aren’t supposed to be taken seriously. Rather, they’re bombastic romps that set out to have as much fun as they possibly can with their ridiculous premises.
For some mindless, violent, and altogether insane genre fun, look no further than these over-the-top horror outings.
10. Prisoners Of The Ghostland (2021)

Helmed by Japanese cult icon Sion Sono (the mind behind Suicide Club and Ekusute) and starring Nicholas Cage in one of his trademark Cage performances, underseen gem Prisoners of the Ghostland is as certifiably insane as expected when putting these artists together.
Set in a bizarre post-apocalyptic world populated by samurai, cowboys, and a cult of irradiated mutants, the plot sees a bank robber known only as Hero (Cage) released from prison by the town’s cruel leader. Hero is put in a tight-fitting leather suit, armed with tactically placed explosives, and tasked with retrieving the leader’s “granddaughter” (Sofia Boutella), who mysteriously disappeared. Should Hero fail to complete his mission within five days, attempt to remove the suit, or make any inappropriate advances towards the woman, the explosives will detonate.
Hopping on a children’s bicycle, Hero sets off into the titular Ghostland - the wasteland outside of the town - to begin his mission. Things only get fantastically weirder from here.
This modern cult horror is something that needs to be seen to be believed. It’s a gorgeous cinematic outing that oozes with delicious, pulpy style from start to finish. As hilarious as it is captivatingly bonkers, there’s simply nothing else like this one.