10 Insane Reasons Movies Were Forced To Change Their Titles

7. 'The Avengers' Renamed To 'Marvel Avengers Assemble' In UK To Avoid Confusion With 1960s Spy Series

The Avengers

Marvel made the rather peculiar decision several months before The Avengers was unleashed upon us to re-title the movie for UK audiences; worried they might end up confusing it with the 1960s classic spy TV series of the same name - as well as the horrendous 1998 movie - the film was renamed to "Marvel Avengers Assemble", a cringe-inducing title that sounds awful and doesn't roll off the tongue at all. Aside from the fact there could have been at least a dozen better titles than that, it's hard to really see the logic behind this title change; did Marvel really think that the same audience who watched the 60s TV show would be at all interested in a Marvel superhero movie? While one can appreciate the effort made to distance themselves from the 1998 movie, the fact that it bombed at the box office should be indication enough that most people had either not seen or couldn't remember that particular blight on cinema.

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.