10 Insane Rumours Fans Started About Movie Stars

3. Tommy Wiseau Is D.B. Cooper

Seth Rogen missing
TPW Films & FBI

Tommy Wiseau, the director of cult "disasterpiece" The Room, is undeniably one of the most enigmatic figures in Hollywood.

With so little known about his personal life - namely where he came from or how he found $6 million to fund The Room - and Wiseau seemingly preferring to keep it that way, it's only natural that fans would speculate about his life story.

Of the many, many theories doing the rounds, by far the most amusing - and ridiculous - is that Wiseau is none other than the mythic D. B. Cooper, a plane hijacker who, in 1971, jumped out of a plane with $200,000 in ransom money over southwestern Washington and was never caught.

Cooper's identity continues to be investigated by professional and amateur sleuths alike, and in 2014 a XKCD web-comic jokingly implied that Wiseau would be an all-too-fitting answer to the mystery.

This joke picked up serious traction online, however, seemingly ignoring the fact that eyewitness descriptions point to Cooper being around 90 years of age at present, if he's even still alive.

Though it would provide a mind-melting rationale for Wiseau's wealth, the other suggested explanations - that he got rich in real estate or received a large inheritance - are infinitely more plausible.

For his part, Wiseau directly addressed the rumours during a Reddit AMA, claiming that not only is he not D.B. Cooper, but that he'd never even heard of the man until a Redditor brought it up.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.