10 Insane Rumours Fans Started About Movie Stars

2. Nicolas Cage Is A Vampire

Seth Rogen missing
Magellan Pictures

In the spirit of fun, here's one truly absurd, entirely unrealistic entry - the belief that the man, the myth, the legend, Nicolas Cage, is no mere mortal.

Back in 2011, a rumour started doing the rounds online that Cage was a vampire after a photo appeared on eBay taken in 1870 featuring a man bearing a striking, even uncanny resemblance to the actor.

Vampirism was of course the only explanation - rather than it being a mere coincidence or perhaps a distant relative of the actor's - and the person listing the photo was asking for $1 million which, naturally, they never received.

Shortly after the listing began to gain attention online, Cage addressed it when appearing on The Late Show with David Letterman, where he reminded everyone that vampires can't be photographed, while promising fans that he can see himself in a reflection and doesn't drink blood.

As much as we all want Vampire's Kiss to be reclassified as a documentary and for Nic Cage to live forever, sadly neither are going to happen.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.