10 Insane Star Wars Plot Twists George Lucas Nearly Made Happen

1. Palpatine Created The Chosen One

Darth Maul Grievous

Unquestionably sitting as one of the most popular fan theories you'll find on the ol' Inter-web, the concept of Emperor Palpatine actually being the force behind the bizarre conception of The Chosen One has often felt too damn logical to be wrong.

After all, this was the same Sith Lord who was taught everything he knows by Darth Plagueis; you know, the Dark Side user who managed to find a way to create life via the Force.

And had George Lucas decided to leave in a few lines during his original script for the Revenge of the Sith, then that twist could've very much become Canon in Episode III.

During the famous opera scene that eventually sparked the aforementioned theories into being, Palpatine would've initially told a troubled Anakin Skywalker that he had waited years for him to fulfil his destiny. Going further, the future Emperor would've shockingly added that he "used the power of the Force to will the midi-chlorians to start the cell division" that resulted in a baby growing in Shmi Skywalker's belly.

But Lucasfilm Story Group member Matt Martin ultimately noted that Lucas scrapped this early script bombshell due to him not wanting "Anakin’s story to feel predestined." And so, one of the biggest mysteries in Star Wars history was preserved, opening the door for UNLIMITED fan theories in the years to come.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...