10 Insane Star Wars Plot Twists George Lucas Nearly Made Happen

6. Uncle Owen Was Obi-Wan's Brother

Darth Maul Grievous

Disney+'s recent Obi-Wan Kenobi series confirmed that the titular broken Jedi did actually have a brother, remembering glimpses of his pre-Jedi family in a chat with a young Princess Leia.

But in reality, Kenobi having a long lost bro was almost made a part of Star Wars live-action history many years before that statement, with George Lucas originally writing Ben's big family reveal into Return of the Jedi's screenplay many moons ago.

Before Episode VI eventually made its way onto the big-screen, Lucas initially planned to make Luke's Uncle Owen Lars Master Kenobi's brother. And while this revelation was ultimately left out of the finished picture, it did actually make its way into the novelisation of Return of the Jedi, with Ben noting to Luke, "I took you to live with my brother, Owen, on Tatooine..."

With the Legends Star Wars stories ultimately not remaining a part of the new Canon, though, that unexpected twist never really made its way onto the big or small screen.

But who knows, if Obi-Wan Kenobi Season Two goes on to become a thing, perhaps Joel Edgerton and Ewan McGregor's versions of Owen and Ben, respectively, will finally explore a twist that once very nearly happened a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...