10 Insane Star Wars Plot Twists George Lucas Nearly Made Happen

5. Padmé Tries To Kill Her Beloved Anakin At One Point

Darth Maul Grievous

Another element of the doomed romance that sat at the centre of George Lucas' Prequels which never made its way into the finished article, it turns out that Padmé Amidala was once set to take out her fallen beloved herself... or at the very least try.

That's according to Prequel Trilogy concept artist Iain McCaig, with the talented soul revealing a few years back that Lucas' originally planned ending for Episode III would've seen a stunning twist involving Anakin Skywalker's love putting a knife to The Chosen One's neck!

In that earlier version of Revenge of the Sith, Amidala would've been spotted putting the pieces in place for the Rebellion that was being designed to overthrow an Anakin she could see was "becoming a monster."

Despite eventually getting within stabbing distance of the now Darth Vader on Mustafar, though, she still wouldn't have been able to follow through on her mission to save the galaxy, even with Skywalker allowing her the chance to do the heartbreaking deed. She just loved that crazy youngling killer too damn much.

Sadly, Lucas ultimately opted against this far superior way of writing Amidala into the ending, though, instead going for the choice of sobbing wife who has the life pretty much choked out of her by her raging hubby.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...