10 Insane Star Wars Plot Twists George Lucas Nearly Made Happen

4. Darth Vader And Boba Fett Are Bros

Darth Maul Grievous

Obi-Wan Kenobi and Owen Lars aren't the only two lads who were once on the verge of becoming Canon brothers, you know. Two villainous figures, who also just so happened to sport the coolest pieces of headwear in the galaxy, were almost revealed to be related, too.

Back when Boba Fett first arrived on the big-screen scene in The Empire Strikes Back, fans were desperate to learn all they could about this effortlessly badass bounty hunter. And according to George Lucas' ex-wife, and Star Wars editor, Marcia Lucas, the OG plan would've seen the filmmaker eventually reveal in the prequels that the iconic antagonist was actually very much brothers with fellow legend Darth Vader.

As time went by, though, Lucas eventually fell out of love with the idea, feeling that it was simply "too hokey" to make a part of his Skywalker Saga.

Rather than have Boba turn out to be a Skywalker all along, Lucas instead went down the Jango Fett route, of course. And yet another utterly tragic father-son tale was eventually laced into the Star Wars story.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...