10 Insane Suicide Squad Moments The Sequel Won't Show You

7. Poison Ivy Becomes A Dictator

Killer Croc Enchantress
DC Comics

The name Poison Ivy brings to mind two things in most people's minds; saving the environment, and wearing as few clothes as morally possible while saving the environment. If you read the Widening Gyre, you might also think of weed too, but that's low hanging fruit when it comes to Pamela Isley.

The last think you'd think of - or ever expect her to do - is that she would move to a country named Vlatava, briefly consider (and become) dictator, and then fob it off when it seemed too much like hard work.

Okay, so it does sound like something she would totally do - it's just a little unexpected. Especially because this all goes down when Pamela is sent on a mission to supposedly rescue another Squad member, Count Vertigo - who she instead uses her powers to keep under her control, in a decidedly creepy plot line.

Poison Ivy is perhaps too big a potential future DCEU villain to be used quite yet - and it's deeply unlikely that the film would be able to dedicate time to this surreal plot that's explicitly stated to have been stolen from the 1970s musical Evita.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.