10 Insane Suicide Squad Moments The Sequel Won't Show You

6. Waller Vs. Obama

Killer Croc Enchantress
DC Comics

The 44th President of the USA, Barack Obama, is no strange to appearing in the world of comics. He had not only met Spider-Man, but also featured in his own series - which is perhaps not quite as good a brag as having been president, but it's certainly up there.

However, his experience in the world of Detective Comics certainly was a little different to other features. This is because, when the man featured in Suicide Squad, he did so to have a massive argument with Amanda Waller instead.

It's an interesting scene, but one that is more than a little impeded by the voice in the back of your head that keeps you reminding you that one of these two comic characters is actually a real politician.

While it'd certainly be entertainingly out of left field to see Obama rock up in the film, it's maybe a better idea to pass over his inclusion.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.