10 Insane Things In Massive Movies (That Everyone Just Ignores)

7. Alien - Why Does A Facehugger Exist At All?

20th Century Fox

The design of the Xenomorph is iconic among sci-fi and horror fans. Created to be equal parts terrifying and enigmatic, you were never meant to understand it entirely. Ridley Scott decided to give the Alien a reproductive cycle as "alien" as the creature itself in order to keep the audience on its toes.

The Problem is that makes no sense at all. Why would a Queen lay a Facehugger egg, for the Facehugger to hunt live prey to lay a Xenomorph egg, when it could just lay the Xenomorph egg? You can't even retroactively use the prequels to explain this because all David ever creates is a Xenomorph itself, an Android would never create a redundant middle "creature". There's no logic to it.

They're meant to function like an insect hive, and no insect species spawns an entirely separate creature in order to reproduce. The idea to create a creature completely outside our biology and understanding is excellently done but this one glaring flaw is persistent throughout the entire franchise.


Photographer, Writer, Traveller, Gamer and film nerd. They will all shout, grow up, and I'll whisper, no....