10 Insane Truths We Just Learned About Recent Movies

Hayley Atwell filmed for how many days without recording dialogue on Dead Reckoning: Part One?

Hayley Atwell Mission Impossible
Paramount Pictures

The learning of a fascinating or just plain insane movie truth can forever change the way you look at certain scenes, performances, or features as a whole.

And when it comes to the following assortment of flicks that have landed in theatres over the last few months (or are about to), everyone from the stars of the action to the folks sitting behind the camera have all provided rather fresh details that will either enhance or diminish the film in question once you hear about them.

Either way, all of these details can be classed as unexpected, shocking, or jaw-droppingly impressive.

Have you recently found yourself wondering how an actor really felt about their surprisingly brief cameo return to a much-loved franchise? What the cast members of one of the biggest movies of 2023 got up to behind-the-scenes? Or where the crazy minds behind one of the best animated features of recent times drew the line when it came to nuttiness?

Then wonder no more, because this list has you covered and then some.

From the reveal of another Hollywood megastar nearly appearing in the fastest movie of the summer, to exactly what went into making Christopher Nolan's newest slice of must-see cinema, prepare yourself for a bunch of outrageous and astonishing truths about recent movies that have only just been discovered.

...and plenty of spoilers are incoming!

10. Hayley Atwell Didn't Record Any Dialogue For 3 Months - Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part 1

Hayley Atwell Mission Impossible

Many performers are at their most comfortable with a script in hand, or with a piece of text freshly stored in their memory, ready to unleash in the middle of an intense exchange with their sene partner.

And that certainly appears to be the case for Hayley Atwell, with the star coming from a theatre background and classing language, and how to use it, as the first useful acting tool she learned at drama school.

The Mission: Impossible franchise isn't exactly known for its extended verbal exchanges or emotionally-charged monologues, however. So, when the MCU star was thrown into the latest chunk of action-packed insanity, it was a bit of a shock to the system.

Atwell actually recently revealed that she spent 100 days on set without recording a single dialogue scene in the set piece-heavy Dead Reckoning Part One (via GamesRadar), with that lack of speech often leaving the Captain America star questioning whether she was expressing enough after relying on her voice for so much of her career.

Thanks to the sheer amount of preparation time Atwell had put in with a superb stunt team before playing the role of Grace in the seventh instalment, though - and the chemistry she'd built up with the action icon Tom Cruise - the character ultimately came to life in the action. This thief's emotion explodes off the screen, often without Atwell needing to utter a single word.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...