10 Insane Truths We Just Learned About Recent Movies

2. The Film Has "Zero" CGI Shots - Oppenheimer

Hayley Atwell Mission Impossible

Despite not being quick to rely on the tool when crafting one of his incoming projects, Christopher Nolan has occasionally been forced to head down the CGI route.

Not for his next explosive slice of cinema, though.

As per Collider, Nolan has actually recently explained that Oppenheimer won't possess a single CGI shot in its monumental 3-hour run-time.

Now that's not to say that VFX definitely won't be used to edit and/or touch up certain effects that were achieved practically during the making of the flick. But Nolan's claim seems to suggest that absolutely everything that will explode onto screens this year was very much practically forged on set.

The pro-practical director had already revealed that they managed to somehow recreate the Trinity test - the first-ever nuclear bomb test - without the use of computer graphics (via GamesRadar), with Nolan eventually explaining how he felt CGI was a little "safe" and how he needed the aforementioned test and other explosive moments to feel "threatening in some way."

Simply put, Nolan wasn't playing it safe in the slightest with his latest and most ambitious endeavour, genuinely unleashing many an enormous explosion in the desert during the making of Oppenheimer's world-changing story.

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