10 Insane Truths We Just Learned About Recent Movies

3. Ryan Gosling Sent A Weird Braveheart Gift To A Cast Sleepover - Barbie

Hayley Atwell Mission Impossible
Warner Bros. Pictures

Just before Greta Gerwig embarked on the adventure that was shooting this year's gloriously pink and epic big-screen Barbie offering, the director apparently decided to assemble her many Barbies for a sleepover - one that the various Kens were also welcome to join for a spell.

But with the main Ken himself Ryan Gosling not being available for this gathering of some of the most gorgeous folks ever to walk the earth, the Hollywood superstar had a plan.

In a recent GQ article, Gerwig noted how Gosling actually decided to send perhaps the most bizarre gift imaginable to his castmates to make up for his absence.

Said gift? A Scottish man sporting a full kilt and playing bagpipes. Not stopping there, though, said prank/present then proceeded to deliver the famous "they'll never take our freedom!" speech from Braveheart to the sleepover crew.

"Well, sometimes, you just need to hear it", was Gosling's typically dry response when asked why he opted for this highly specific movie moment to be uttered in the midst of what was already a rather surreal present.

That's one way to inject some Ken-ergy into the mix from afar...

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...