10 Insane Ways Actors Prepared For Famous Movie Scenes

5. Halle Berry Didn't Shower For Eight Weeks To Play A Crack Addict - Jungle Fever

Jungle Fever

Spike Lee's 1991 romantic drama Jungle Fever marked the feature film debut of Halle Berry, who has a small but memorable role as crack cocaine addict Vivian, the girlfriend of Gator (Samuel L. Jackson).

Berry has spoken extensively about how she struggled to be taken seriously early in her career due to her beauty, and she had to fight extensively to convince Lee to cast her as Jungle Fever's "crack ho."

And in an attempt to further immerse herself in the character and demonstrate how seriously she took the part, she didn't shower for the entirety of the film's eight-week shoot.

If nothing else, Berry is certainly totally believable in the part, even if the small size of her role probably meant she could've sneaked in a shower or two during those eight weeks and still wreaked appropriately when the cameras started rolling.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.