10 Insanely Accurate Movie Details You Never Noticed

7. Lawrence Writes In Real Arabic - Lawrence Of Arabia

Mr and Mrs Smith Rifle Game
Columbia Pictures

Chronicling the life of British Army officer and archaeologist T.E. Lawrence, 1962's Lawrence of Arabia is widely regarded as one of the greatest films ever made. Starring Peter O'Toole in the titular role, David Lean's offering features performances, cinematography and script-writing of the highest order.

While much of the movie is heavily embellished for dramatic effect, intricate care was taken in bringing the legendary figure to life. An integral aspect of Lawrence's identity was his divided allegiance between his homeland and his newfound allies. As such, his immersion in the Arabian culture had to be believable to lend credence to O'Toole's performance.

This status quo provided the bedrock for a gorgeous piece of inscrutable detail. Composing a letter to Anthony Quinn's Auda Abu Tayi, Lawrence can be seen writing from right to left. This is the traditional style for Semitic script referred to as sinistroverse, proving that he can read and write in Arabic. It's no accident either! Lawrence switches directions when he finishes the message to sign his name in English.

As of 2023, the revelation that Lawrence of Arabia could write in Arabic may not come across as particularly shocking, but it's still an easily missable inclusion and an insanely accurate one to boot.


Law graduate with a newly rediscovered passion for writing, mad about film, television, gaming and MMA. Can usually be found having some delightful manner of violence being inflicted upon him or playing with his golden retriever.