10 Insanely Accurate Movie Details You Never Noticed

5. Vincent Vega's Bathroom Breaks - Pulp Fiction

Mr and Mrs Smith Rifle Game

Lost in the masterful chaos of Quentin Tarantino's Pulp Fiction, a minor background detail often goes unnoticed. The detail in question? That would be the frequency with which Vincent Vega has to attend the restroom.

Something terrible frequently seems to happen whenever Vincent finds himself on the toilet. John Travolta's hitman is busy doing a number two when "Pumpkin" and "Bunny" hold up a diner and Mia Wallace gruesomely overdoses as he visits the bog. The laconic enforcer even meets his own demise after going to see a man about a horse - gunned down by Bruce Willis' Butch Coolidge.

However, there's more to this motif than you may realise. Constipation is a well-known side effect of heroin abuse - just ask Trainspotting's Mark Renton. As viewers are soon made aware, Vincent is a prolific user of the drug.

Ergo, the constant trips to the lavatory. Knowing Tarantino's love for such touches, this wonderfully disguised inclusion is no accident. Heroin may not have killed Vincent directly, but it brought about the circumstances behind his downfall.


Law graduate with a newly rediscovered passion for writing, mad about film, television, gaming and MMA. Can usually be found having some delightful manner of violence being inflicted upon him or playing with his golden retriever.