10 Inspiring Documentaries That Could Change Your Life

8. Paris Is Burning

Empowering, somewhat strange and occasionally tragic, Paris is Burning explores the ramifications of cross-dressing and transvestitism in New York City during the 1980s, documenting the lives of several individuals as they prepare for an annual drag ball.

From persecution and violence to murder, the documentary explores the emotional and psychological aspects of certain lifestyles, while highlighting the difficulties and potential dangers faced by those within the community. That said, the primary focus is the contestants themselves, whose displays of passion and enthusiasm are genuinely inspirations. In this respect, Paris is Burning is mainly a celebration of LGBTQ culture that showcases the vibrancy and historical significance of the “Golden Age” of NYC drag balls.

It’ll tug at those heart strings, certainly – but the movie is culturally important as well – exploring one of many NYC sub-cultures active during the decade, and even examining the impact such a community had on popular culture.

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Formerly an assistant editor, Richard's interests include detective fiction and Japanese horror movies.