10 Intense Horror Movie Scenes You Couldn't Watch

7. Misery: Get Hobbling

The Crawlers Aren T The REAL Killers In The Descent THUMB
Columbia Pictures

After the release of this particular Stephen King adaption, Kathy Bates was seen by the world in a whole new light. Misery isn't your average horror movie, there aren't any teens running around being murdered, there are none of the jump scares that litter the genre, and no one is possessed by the devil. It's far more sinister than that, all thanks to the unsettling performance by Kathy Bates.

The aptly named Misery tells the story of an over obsessed fan, Annie Wilkes , who happens to find her favourite writer, Paul Sheldon (James Caan), after a car crash. She nurses him back to health but upon hearing the outcome to his latest manuscript is displeased with the ending. She forces Sheldon to rewrite his story until she is satisfied. He complies but only until he can devise an escape plan. Unfortunately for him, his plan fails.

After a disturbing monologue which hears Annie explain how she must perform an operation on Paul for his own good, she break his ankles in truly brutal fashion. Placing a wooden block between his legs, she proceeds to swing a sledge hammer with cringe inducing results... If you thought the first blow was hard to watch she then nonchalantly wonders around the bed to deliver a second.

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Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.