10 Intense Horror Movie Scenes You Couldn't Watch

6. Hostel: Puke And Ball Gags

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Screen Gems

After the first Saw movie came out in 2004 gore-horror became all the rage of the 2000s. The Saw franchise started a trend of showing the most gruesome and abhorrent acts of violence in all their bloody detail, and Eli Roth stepped in to offer his disturbing contribution to the genre in 2005.

Hostel took what Saw had established and turned it up to 11. While Saw revolved around the sick games of Jigsaw - punishing people he deemed had done wrong - Hostel simply told the story of millionaire sickos who paid money to torture backpackers.

Although there were gorier scenes - which included one victim having his Achilles tendons slit - one of the most disturbing involved Paxton being tormented with the threat of violence. This scene involved a man having his fingers cut off, but his anguish and fear at what was to come was the most disturbing. The sadistic pleasure the torturer seemed to get from watching his victim squirm caused Paxton to uncontrollably vomit through his ball gag, a vision that is indescribably grim.

The sheer helplessness felt by this character is enough to make anyone retch.

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Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.