10 Intense Movie Performances NO ONE Was Ready For

4. John Travolta - The Fanatic

One Hour Photo Robin Williams
Quiver Distribution

Here we go! A movie written and directed by Limp Bizkit's very own Fred Durst, starring John Travolta as an obsessive fan of a movie star. What could possibly go wrong - or right - with this movie?

John Travolta has had a few falls from grace over the years. His latest films have all floated so under the radar and gone straight to DVD/VOD, he's slowly become a new Steven Seagal. But last year's The Fanatic was something you couldn't ignore.

As a character called Moose, I'm not sure what first-time viewers expected with Travolta's portrayal as a vulnerable individual whose obsession with an actor that turns violent.

But I do know this is a performance that would never win any awards, it will be a defining mark on Travolta's long and fluctuating career.


I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!