9. There Isn't A Single Female Speaking Role In All Of Lawrence of Arabia's 216 Minutes
Okay, so this is obvious once you find out about it, but the realisation - that there isn't a single female speaking role anywhere in Lawrence of Arabia, despite the fact that it's over three hours long - was probably lost on most people, given that it's one of those things that you don't really think about it unless you're told. Same goes for movies like Reservoir Dogs and The Thing, although it's more understandable given their length and locations. But isn't it kind of insane to think that not a single female is given a line of dialogue in all of that movie? If you've never seen Lawrence of Arabia, of course, the film is based on the real life of T.E. Lawrence, and his exploits in Arabia during World War I. You'd think a female would have popped up somewhere, though, right? Nope: women only feature as background characters throughout. It's safe to say that this all-time classic fails the Bechdel test and then some.