10 Interesting Things You Probably Didn't Realise About Famous Movies

10. Deckard's First Name In Blade Runner - "Rick" - Is Never Mentioned

Blade Runner Most Blade Runner fans are actually pretty obsessed with the movie, because it's hard to be just a "casual" fan of Blade Runner - it's one of those pictures that, if you get it and like it, stays with you forever, to the point where you're hoping that "replicant hunter" becomes a legitimate career choice one day, and listening to the Vangelis soundtrack is an essential part of what happens when you drink copious amounts of alcohol. I'm one of those obsessed fans, but this little fact struck me as rather interesting when I first found out about it, given that the "thing" is something you can only find out from places other than the movie: Deckard's first name, which any fan of the movie will know is "Rick," is never mentioned at any point in the film. Given how widely his first name is known, however (even amongst those who haven't read the book), discovering such a thing feels obvious but certainly strange.

All-round pop culture obsessive.