10 International Smash-Hits That America Somehow Hated

5. Pacific Rim

Pacific Rim Currently still in theaters and disappointing domestically, Pacific Rim is kicking all sorts of box office butt internationally. It ultimately is not that surprising though considering the movie was essentially made for Japan, China, and all other territories infatuated with Anime and giant mechs swinging ships like baseball club at each other. Domestic audiences went and saw 3 tarnishing Transformers movies instead. With a production budget of $190 million the film is domestically fizzling out at a disappointing $80 million. Internationally the film has grossed $140 million and is just now releasing to more targeted demographics such as China. Sadly, Pacific Rim says American audiences still aren't ready to embrace Japanese culture even if what is presented is miles ahead of parallel films. Speaking of giant robots...

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.