10 Interstellar Script Changes That Drastically Changed The Film

8. The Gravity Beings Are Actual Aliens

Like in the finished film, the wormhole has appeared in a very convenient manner, leading to NASA assuming this is some alien-influenced event a la 2001: A Space Odyssey. And in the first draft this assumption is correct - the strange fifth-dimensional beings who are able to manipulate time and gravity are indeed extra-terrestrial. This has the effect of actually pushing Interstellar closer to 2001, rather than being a more distinct piece. Their physical state is ambiguous as in Kubrick's film, with their actions adding to a similar sense of overwhelming unease; humanity is really out of its depth. When the crew head through the wormhole, we get a much better look at these gravity beings. They actively distort our heroes' three dimensions, contorting them painlessly into various shapes, making for a particular bonkers idea that would no doubt have been pretty visually arresting. As these beings aren't future humans trying to protect their species, there's scope for a different motive to all this space-bending, which we'll look at later.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.