10 Interstellar Script Changes That Drastically Changed The Film

7. There€™s Another Type Of Alien On The Ice Planet

With the probe that Cooper found providing a definitive focus to the mission (which is the first manned NASA expedition through the wormhole), the ambiguity of which planet is a potential host for humanity is removed; when entering this new galaxy, which features two black holes and a neutron star, the ice planet is their only goal. When they land, the crew realise that neutron star has the nasty side effect of bombarding the planet's surface with radiation every twenty hours. And, with sunrise imminent, this leads to a frantic attempt to try and find shelter. They reach a giant cave that has the oxygen and water the probe previously discovered, which also serves as the home for a shape-morphing alien species, another race of extra-terrestrials. They appear docile absorbing the star's radiation and saving Cooper and co. So, on top of the highly-evolved gravity beings, we also have these radiation-feeding things. The crew take some of this species when it becomes apparent a third black hole will destroy the planet in a couple of centuries, but that's not the only thing that goes down on the planet...

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.