10 Interstellar Script Changes That Drastically Changed The Film

6. There€™s Also A Deserted Chinese Colony On The Ice Planet

There's not just shape-shifting aliens on the ice planet. Once landed there, Cooper discovers the remains of a colony set up by Chinese explorers who ventured through the black hole years earlier (clearly the Earth isn't united in the famine), the inhabitants of which all appear to have been killed by the neutron star's radiation. Then, after finding refuge in the cave, they discover a much bigger colony, ran by the robots from the Chinese mission who've continued working despite their creators being killed. The approach of the black hole has led to the development of a device that can manipulate gravity, with the aim of it diverting the impending doom. CASE suggests that instead of using it to protect the planet barely habitable for humans, they take the device and return it to Earth to get people off the planet in a global exodus. The Chinese robots don't take kindly to the interruption, leading to a violent reaction. From here things follow a similar narrative drive to the Dr. Mann subplot, with one of the robots uploading their programming into CASE, who, when the crew is back on the main ship, goes crazy and sends the whole mission into jeopardy.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.