10 Intriguing Star Wars Rogue One Trailer Moments That Weren't In The Movie

1. Jyn Running With The Plans

Felicity Jones Teela

Rogue One's trailers feature a ton of moments that were left on the cutting room floor, but this small handful of shots are by far the most intriguing.

Because, as this image makes very clear, Jyn Erso has the plans to the Death Star. And she's running along the beach on Scarif. In the final film, she retrieves the plans and transmits them from the same building, and never leaves with them. So what's going on here?

Jyn Cassian Rogue One

There are multiple options here; one is that Rogue One originally had a different ending, or at the very least, multiple endings were considered and shot; one where the crew survives, and one (that we got) where they all perish.

This shot does look to give them a higher chance of survival - Jyn and Cassian are wearing the same clothes they wore in the data room from which they grabbed the plans, so this shot is mere minutes after then - and it looks like they're heading for an escape.

Alternatively, the plan could've been to kill the main cast all along, but just in a different, more action-packed fashion, the start of which we see here. Rogue One's final battle was fairly lengthy as it is without all these additional explosions, so maybe leaving this out was a pacing decision.

Or, lastly, the way in which the plans reach the Rebel ship could've originally played out differently. Rather than the data room and the plans being in the same location, perhaps Jyn and Cassian had to navigate to a different building to transmit them.

Each option is as likely as the next, but until we're given any official comment on the matter, it's all conjecture and speculation.

But isn't that the fun bit?

Which of these omitted shots intrigues you the most? Leave your thoughts down in the comments section!


WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.