10 Jaw-Dropping Movie Monsters We All Loved To Watch

1. The Xenomorph - Alien (1979)

Without doubt the movie monster, at least of modern times, which has captivated the imagination of an audience the most is the Xenomorph found in the Alien franchise. Whilst spawning several sequels, most of them declining in quality, it was the very first Alien film in 1979 which truly makes us wonder at the creature. We never see the Xenomorph in full for more than a few seconds at a time throughout the entire film, and his makes us hungry for more, because it is such a fantastical and fear-inducing creation. Sleak, black and stealthy, we're on edge with the crew of the Nostromo the whole way, and we want to find their hunter with them too, because we're safely tucked up on our sofas and can get a good hard look at the thing, not wandering the corridors of a spaceship about to be served as an appetiser for a tiny inception mouth. If Predator looked alien because it was only part human, then the xenomorph looked alien because it's so very un-human. It is a perfectly designed creature built for hunting, and as such, we want to watch it do its terrible business time and time again. Unfortunately that'll probably mean a shedload more sequels, but hey, you never know, the second Prometheus movie might actually be good...

English MA Graduate, passionate about film, Sunderland A.F.C., tv and music with guitars found somewhere in it.