10 Jaw-Dropping Movie Monsters We All Loved To Watch

4. T. Rex - Jurassic Park (1993)

This may count as cheating slightly, as I suppose a dinosaur isn't really a monster, given that they existed and all that. But then again, so do gorillas, so Kong got in too. Granted, they aren't the size of a mansion, but still. Jurassic Park was a movie filled with astounding creations of CGI beauty. The raptors in particular were genuinely frightening at times, and the brachiosaurus scene upon the arrival of the group upon the island is spine-tinglingly good, particularly for those of you who actually knew what a brachiosaurus looked like beforehand. But the star of the show is of course the Tyrannosaurus Rex. She's the big boss of the park, and, naturally, she's the first to wreak her havoc upon the group (and a goat). The sheer razor-toothed monstrousness of the creature is an intimidating sight, one made all the more terrifying by how fantastically realistic the CGI managed to make it look. The scene where the T-Rex is chasing after the jeep is the one which makes us most nervous, as she's easily closing on them, despite Jeff Goldblum's urging that they "must go faster". But then we turn the whole situation upside at the climax of the film, wherein the enormous, tiny-armed beast becomes the hero, doing battle with the raptors and allowing the survivors to escape causes us to cheer the scaly thing on. This is no coincidence; so impressive is the work put in to creating the T-Rex that we simply cannot get enough of it, her every appearance is one which inspired awe in the audience.

English MA Graduate, passionate about film, Sunderland A.F.C., tv and music with guitars found somewhere in it.