10 Last-Minute Changes That Saved Horror Movies

7. Weir Was Thrown Into The Final Battle - Event Horizon

28 Days Later
Paramount Pictures

In Pauls W.S. Anderson's gothic horror, Captain Miller (Laurence Fishburne) and his crew are sent to locate the Event Horizon, an experimental spaceship that went missing years ago. Miller is accompanied by William Weir (Sam Neill), the scientist who built the Event Horizon's portal technology, which allowed it to travel vast distances in space.

During the mission, Miller learns the Event Horizon travelled to Hell through a wormhole, allowing a demonic force to corrupt the ship and torment the crew, forcing them to suffer horrific hallucinations. When Weir is infected by that eerie presence, he prepares to open another wormhole, intending to send the crew to Hell. 

While Weir is sucked into space and clearly positioned as the film's primary antagonist, he was originally meant to be out of the picture by this point. Rather than having a physical opponent to face during the climax, Miller would have to contend with more creepy hallucinations.

After a weak test screening, it was decided to give Event Horizon a more epic showdown, with Miller facing off against a more demonic version of Weir. 


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