10 Last-Minute Changes That Saved Horror Movies

4. Ripley Was Meant To Die - Alien

28 Days Later
20th Century Studios

Producers tend to get a bad rap in the movie business. Even though they pay the bills, they're often perceived as wet blankets who are only there to make films less awesome.

With that said, the higher-ups behind Ridley Scott's Alien can't be applauded enough, as if the renowned filmmaker was left to his own devices, the futuristic horror may have never spawned a franchise.

For the most part, the story would've played out the same as what ended up in the final cut. However, during the climax, the fate of Ellen Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) was much darker, as rather than chucking the Xenomorph into space, Alien was meant to conclude with the creature decapitating the iconic heroine. From there, the Xenomorph would make a log entry in Ripley's voice before the screen cut to black. 

Thankfully, the producers vetoed this idea, compelling Scott to create a less WTF ending.

Now, it's very possible the producers' decision was driven purely by money - after all, it's hard to make a sequel if the lead is dead, right? - but even if that was the case, it was far more satisfying to see Ripley make it out alive.


James Egan has written 80 books including 1000 Facts about Superheroes Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about Horror Movies Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about The Greatest Films Ever Made Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about Video Games Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about TV Shows Vol. 1-3 Twitter - @jameswzegan85