10 Last Minute Movie Decisions That Shaped Your Favourite Films

1. Woody And Buzz Almost Go Straight To Home Video (Toy Story 2)

Bird Box Monster

Pixar produced a film that redefined what was possible through animation on the big screen when they released Toy Story in 1995.

With the film earning ten times its original budget, it was the kind of success that you'd imagine would warrant an immediate cinematic follow up.

Right? Wrong.

Unbelievably, Disney requested for Pixar to create a 60 minute direct-to-video follow up to the mega hit, that would be released in 1998.

However, when Disney saw the early imagery for the sequel, they quickly realised they needed to turn this into a theatrical feature.

As the project was pretty much finished at 60 minutes long, the script had to be fleshed out to a 90 minute run time with a suitably epic narrative to fit the screen.

Then, as their original release date loomed, Pixar decided the script wasn't up to scratch and decided to rework the entire film.

This last ditch decision put Pixar on the back foot and meant that they would now be forced to work 10 hour shifts, 6 days a week for the next 9 months in order to complete the now over 90 minute script.

The film was incredibly finished in 1999.

As all that resulted in one of the greatest animations of all time, all we can say is thank you.

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