10 Last Minute Movie Decisions That Shaped Your Favourite Films

6. Kill Or Keep John Rambo (Rambo)

Bird Box Monster
Orion Pictures

In light of Sylvester Stallone's fifth and final outing as John J. Rambo, appearing in Rambo: Last Blood, there's no better time than now to revisit a decision that could've deprived us of this blood-soaked series.

In the original Rambo novel, 'First Blood', Rambo didn't make it to a sequel and was killed off in the final scene.

Feeling indecisive about what ending they should go with, the producers decided that the team should shoot two different endings - one where Rambo lives and one where he decided to bite the dust.

They tested the endings on audiences and soon found out that no one wanted to see Rambo take his own life and thus landed on the version where he was arrested instead.

If it wasn't for that choice to keep their options open and see what the people wanted, Rambo could have been finished as soon as he started. Let's be honest, in modern times, he probably would've had his third reboot by now.

Thankfully, Stallone lived to fight another day and we were gifted with two glorious sequels and two more divisive call backs. Three out of five, ain't bad.

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