10 Last Minute Movie Decisions That Shaped Your Favourite Films

5. Bird Box Baby Monster (Bird Box)

Bird Box Monster

What made Netflix's Bird Box such a cult hit was its ability to make us fear a force that was driving people crazy and causing them to end themselves. We couldn't even see the monster, leaving it all down to our own imagination - which is a pretty scary place.

Well, it was nearly a very different proposition, as the producers felt that a terrifying monster would be needed in order to keep the audience on the edge of their seat.

What's more horrifying than a big, bobbly baby?

No seriously, look at that picture. The only person that would've been freaked out by that would be a mother who had been kept awake by a newborn for 3 months, thinking her nightmare had come to life.

In real danger of eliciting the dreaded 'WTF is that?!' laugh, they decided to cut the visuals of the Bird Box beast and fell back on the invisible menace that made the film so daunting.

45 million viewers in its opening week told the story of how quickly the word of mouth travelled for this film. Would it have been the same case if the big bad was a sundried baby? We'll never know.

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Bird Box
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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...